Conceptual Creativity essential to architecture approaches. is analyzed in Rational, Romantic and Environmental aspects.
The theory of cycles is introduced and proved concurrent with cycles of architectural cultural paradigms. These cycles usually start with rationalism and move to duality with romanticism and ending up in downward multiple approaches. These cycles were followed in detailed historical precedents from 18, 19 and 20 centuries.
Forms of rationalism & Romanticism in all their stages with particular concentration on 20th modern functionalism & structuralism moving to
Late & post – modernism and transitional period to 21 C.
Product Description
Conceptual Creativity essential to architecture approaches. is analyzed in Rational, Romantic and Environmental aspects.
The theory of cycles is introduced and proved concurrent with cycles of architectural cultural paradigms. These cycles usually start with rationalism and move to duality with romanticism and ending up in downward multiple approaches. These cycles were followed in detailed historical precedents from 18, 19 and 20 centuries.
Forms of rationalism & Romanticism in all their stages with particular concentration on 20th modern functionalism & structuralism moving to
Late & post – modernism and transitional period to 21 C.